Advent Lutheran Church is known for our dedication to outreach, in both our community and in communities around the world. Join us this Jubilee 50th Anniversary Year as we work to “Love God, Serve Neighbor.” Opportunities include:
The annual chili supper is one of Advent’s traditional events and is held in January. This “double header” begins with Mabel’s delicious chili prepared by Social Ministry, followed by a UNCC 49ers game across the street. A free will donation is requested and the money raised is donated to an agency or family in need.
If you come to Advent on any Tuesday afternoon throughout the year, you’re likely to notice friendly faces making egg salad sandwiches in the kitchen. Our sandwich ministry is a long-running program that provides lunch once a week for our neighbors at Urban Ministry Center. Many volunteers participate in various aspects of this ministry: assembling the 300+ egg salad sandwiches each Tuesday, purchasing fresh bread each week, overseeing the purchase of eggs and condiments, and delivering the sandwiches on Wednesday mornings You can support this ministry by volunteering or making a donation.
Since 2001, Advent has participated in the city-wide “Room In the Inn” winter homeless shelter program. Members from Advent, Newell Presbyterian, Harrisburg Methodist and St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church work together to provide a safe and welcoming space for our neighbors in addition to providing dinner, breakfast, and a bag lunch. Our youth also lead a prayer service. This partnership keeps 14 men, women and children off cold city streets and exposes them to the love of God once each week from December through March.
Email Caroline Grubb for more information.
Most Tuesdays, ‘Bags to Beds’ volunteers cut grocery bags, roll them into ‘plarn’ and crochet the plastic ‘yarn’ into 6 foot sleeping mats. They sit, they chat, they watch a movie and they turn 500 plastic grocery bags into a single sleeping mat which will be given to the homeless. All can participate – even if you can’t crochet, you can cut or donate plastic bags
Email Jennie Henderson for more information.
Most Sunday afternoons, year-round, a group of people hit the streets of uptown Charlotte pulling wagons filled with food, snacks, drinks, socks and many other items. Their goal is to help the homeless by providing them basic needs and a friendly smile.
Email Jennie Henderson for more information.
This food drive collects donations of food items that fit in a gallon size plastic bag. Each bag contains a simple meal and includes a heartfelt encouraging message along with a list of Charlotte resources.
Many congregation members carry these bags in their cars and give them to anyone they see who may need a meal and encouragement.
Email Sharon Thrower for more information.
Advent has a small food pantry available for those who drop by the church seeking food assistance. Advent members purchase and donate “Food of the Month” items to keep the pantry supplied. The food is distributed between the mini-pantry and local food groups.
Charlotte has been the home of the nation’s largest CROP WALK for years and celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2018. Advent has always been a major supporter. The 3.6 mile walk brings the community together to raise support for those who would otherwise go hungry. Twenty-five percent of all funds raised stay here in Mecklenburg County, benefiting Crisis Assistance Ministry, Loaves & Fishes and Second Harvest Food Bank. The remaining money is used by Church World Service to provide hunger education, disaster relief and self-help projects throughout the world.
Advent has been recognized as the top congregation in its size category for number of walkers and money raised.
Email Jennie Henderson for more information.
We have a backpack drive near the end of summer, complete with a “Giving Tree” to capture the spirit of Christmas mid-year. Advent members select a tag and purchase a book bag filled with a variety of school supplies for needy children as they prepare to head back to school.
Several members volunteer weekly at the Galilee Center which serves as a meeting place for refugees, immigrants, and other residents of the city. There are numerous opportunities for volunteers, especially for retirees or stay at home parents, between 9am and 1pm weekdays. Also needed are handymen, gardeners, and folks who would like to make friends with people from all over the world. Donations of food, school supplies, household goods are welcome.
Email Galilee for more information.
A group of members provide transportation to worship and church events, and provide occasional emergency support services to a group of Advent friends and members who are homeless or near homeless. Our goal is to share God’s radical love with all. Many of those assisted have become active participants in the life of the church and participate in activities with us.
McCreesh provides permanent supportive housing for those who are overcoming homelessness. Priority is to provide housing for people with medical, physical and mental disabilities and histories of substance abuse. Advent provides meals for residents regularly.
Email Caroline Grubb for more information.
Several members participate in programs at Charlotte Urban Ministry, which provides services for those who are homeless. Charlotte Urban Ministry’s goal is to end homelessness, one person at a time.
See a full list of volunteer opportunities on their website.
A major outreach goal for Advent has been achieved in recent years through visits and support to Alto Cayma in Peru. This ministry is supported through birthday parties, “adopting” an elderly resident or youth, and through providing educational opportunities for residents. An annual dinner is held at Advent each fall. The leader of the mission, Jim Hintz, spends part of his year in Alto Cayma and part in Charlotte.
Email Jim Hintz for a newsletter.
Each Christmas, a “Giving Tree” is placed in the Gathering Space. Advent members are asked to remove a tag and purchase the specified gift. Gifts are then delivered to needy families and persons in the area. Last year, more than 70 gifts were collected and shared with our neighbors at Robinsdale, which is managed by Charlotte Housing Authority.
Niner United is the ministry to college students at UNC-Charlotte. Advent supports Niner United with office and meeting space, financial contributions, assisting with Death By Chocolate during Week of Welcome, and working with special projects.
Kairos is a Christian faith-based ministry that addresses the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women, youth, their families and those who work with them.
Email Chris Rasmussen or Andy Hagle for more information.
We believe in supporting our Advent family in all facets of life. Throughout the year, we provide opportunities to spend time with each other and build relationships. Some recent examples include Fall Festival with games and a barbecue, a corn maze, and Faith & Film where members gathered for a movie and then discussed with each other.
When life throws you a curve ball, we will be there to help. Through our C.A.R.E. Ministry, we will step in with a hot meal, a ride to the doctor’s appointment or a hand to hold and a prayer.
In the 2012 timeframe, Advent began an “Empty-Nester’s” group called ADVENTurers. This group meets the third Thursday, September through May, at 12 noon for food, fellowship, program, and devotions with Eucharist. In the summer months, we meet at various restaurants on the 3rd Thursday. Currently we have about 35 active members. Field trips, supporting the elderly community in Alta Cayma, Peru, attending movies with discussion afterwards, taking the light rail downtown, etc. are some of our activities over and beyond the monthly gathering. There is no age limitation – low or high! Only requirement is you want to attend and you available to come. Bring friends and family! It is not limited to Advent members!
Advent Lutheran Men is an active men’s group with the goal to develop and strengthen men’s faith through Bible study, outreach and support of each other. The group meets once a month at local restaurants for fellowship and planning. Annual activities include a fall pork BBQ, recently in coordination with a fall festival, a spring chicken BBQ and auction, and a group UNC-Charlotte basketball game. The men also participate in numerous service and disaster recovery projects locally and throughout North Carolina, and provide support for various Advent ministries.
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