Church Staff

Ward Misenheimer

Senior Pastor

Email Ward

704-549-1555 (x101)

My first day at Advent Lutheran was Sunday, November 5, 2006. It was All Saints’ Sunday and I was being installed as the new Associate Pastor for this Lutheran community in the University City of Charlotte. I’d only been ordained for three years and boy was I “green.” In fact, when I decided to go to seminary, I had no plans of being an ordained pastor. My goal was to study New Testament, complete seminary with a master’s degree, and then apply to PhD programs. I had my sights set on teaching at the college level, perhaps at a small Lutheran college like my alma mater, Lenoir-Rhyne.

I never imagined being ordained (I’m sure it was a shock to many others, too!), much less serving as a pastor at Advent for almost 13 years! But, now I can’t imagine being anywhere. This congregation has watched me grow as a pastor and extended much grace to me when I’ve completely dropped the ball. We have celebrated together when goals have been attained. They have loved me in the midst of the ups and downs of life. And I hope that I’ve shared as much grace and love with them as I have experienced.

Advent is not a perfect community, and I’m not a perfect pastor. So, it’s a perfect match! Advent is a real community that’s not afraid to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ by welcoming all people (and the “all” means ALL), walking the difficult paths together, rejoicing in the grace-filled moments together, and reaching out to the community and to the world with tangible signs of God’s love.

There are many wonderful things about being a pastor at Advent; at the top of my list is the people of this community. They have given me the room to grow. They have entrusted themselves to me as the one who has been called to preach, teach, baptize, celebrate Holy Communion, and to stand with them as we grieve the death of those we dearly love. Having given me room to grow, Advent has also encouraged me to stay “green” and to always be ready for what the Holy Spirit will be doing next!

Thanks be to God!

Deloris Bainbridge

Director of Faith Formation and Discipleship

Email Deloris

Deloris has worked at Advent Lutheran Church since October 2022 as Director of Youth and Milestones.  She has a Bachelors of Arts in Elementary Education from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and has fifteen years experience working in a Title I school.  She is also a trained leader of Godly Play, our curriculum for children’s Christian education.  She loves children’s picture books, gardening, and vacationing at the beach with her family.  She is married to Paul, and they have three daughters.

Harriett Easley

Church Administrator

Email Harriett

704-549-1555 (x 100)

Harriet has worked at Advent Lutheran as the Church Administrator since December of 2018. She is married to her husband, Darrell, and in their blended family they have 6 children and 11 grandchildren!  She enjoys camping, sewing, quilting, cooking, gardening, computers, and being with family. 

Pam Rhynes

Administrative Assistant

Email Pam

Pam serves Advent as a part-time Administrative Assistant primarily responsible for communications including eNEWS. Her 13-hour work week is spread across Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays but she can be found around Advent just about any day of the week as she has many volunteer responsibilities within the church. Advent has been her church home for 29 years.    Pam enjoys a wonderful extended family and loves spending time with them.

Kristin Sakamoto

Director of Music Ministry

Sharon Thrower


Email Sharon


Sharon has worked at Advent Lutheran Church over 20 years as the Preschool Director. She attended Mitchell Community College as well as CPCC’s Early Childhood Development program. Favorite hobby? Shopping! She has been married to her husband, Scott, for over 25 years and has 3 children (Jake, Luke, and Callie}.

Where is your favorite place in the world?

Home with all of my family!

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?


Jake Thrower


Jake attended Vance High School and has worked at Advent for over 6 years as the Caretaker. The son of Sharon and Scott Thrower, he has two siblings, Callie and Luke.

Jake enjoys drawing, volunteering at church, and watching YouTube videos.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Jake says he is known as the Baby Whisperer

What is your favorite place in the world?

The beach!


Executive Council


Pastor Ward Misenheimer


Eric Heberlig


Pam Rhynes


Jennifer Canipe

Council Liaison


Deloris Bainbridge


Arlene Cash


Jim Hintz


Esther Abdel-Hameed


Mary Christ


Tim O’Rourke
Tony Poovey


Anne Brown


Natalie Eklund

Wubben Investment Board

  • Eric Summerour

    Teleah Amaker

    Scott Evans

Wubben Distribution Board

  • Alex Christ

    Caroline Grubb

    Don Hagerman

    Karen Taylor

    Kelly Schrader 

Nominating committee Members

  • Abby Bostian

    Pam Isacks

    Janet Rasmussen

    Esther Abdul-Hameed

    Natalie Eklund

    Toni Hagerman

    Peter Christ

  • Advent Lutheran Church
  • 8840 University City Blvd.
  • Charlotte, North Carolina  28213
  • Email Us
  • 704-549-1555

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